About G4YTD

So who is G4YTD?
No body special really, just a guy called Tim who has had a lifelong interest in radio communication, and electronics. The obsession started at 11 years old when introduced to long distance radio communication by a neighbour in 1979. The first shortwave receiver followed very soon after, and an introduction to the “RAE” – radio amateurs examination. I decided this was something I had to have and set about self learning from a book. By 15 I had achieved the “Written” ticket and became a G6. Although VHF and UHF was great fun, I needed more, and joined the Army radio society. Those guys pulled no punches, and soon had a 16 year old sending and receiving Morse at a vast rate of knots, as a reward I was upgraded to G4YTD, a call I am still very proud of ~many~ years later. The radio hobby assisted me to a placement at University where I left with a fist full of qualifications in Electronics and communications ready to do battle with industry.

G4YTD started work as two way radio engineer, progressing over time and through several positions into applied radio frequency identification (RFID) as an International engineering project manager. Watch this space for the possibility of some interesting and exotic callsigns.

Major interest is around portable operating from radio quiet locations, involvement with SOTA, and having fun with any mode that takes my fancy at the time.
Thanks for browsing by 🙂

Remember – you can do anything you set your mind to…..